An Airbnb host from China who has 16 listings in Richmond, BC, is only receiving Chinese speaking guests.
“Because my English is not good, can only receive guests who speak Chinese words,” says the host who goes by the name Aimi1
Aimi’s profile lists her as being from China and her profession as a “remote” property manager.
She also has a number of Airbnb listings in Xiamen, China.
“The house is in the city of Richmond, the city with the most Chinese,” the description for one of her Richmond properties read. “Chinese is spoken widely, and Chinese restaurants are everywhere”.
“The landlord is enthusiastic, came to Canada to have children and for children to study,” Aimi describes herself.
Airbnb describes itself as an “an open community dedicated to bringing the world closer together by fostering meaningful, shared experiences amongst people from all parts of the world.”
“The Airbnb community is committed to building a world where people from every background feel welcome and respected, no matter how far they have travelled from home,” the platform states2
“This commitment rests on two foundational principles that apply both to Airbnb’s hosts and guests: inclusion and respect.”
Aimi’s listings:
Listing | City |
远方的家15,别墅中文房东 | Richmond |
别墅套间独立卫浴 | Richmond |
温哥华列治文华人远的家12 | Richmond |
华人远方的家16,列治文豪华整栋别墅,连住特价 | Richmond |
温哥华列治文华人远方的家13 | Richmond |
华人别墅独立套间,中文房东 | Richmond |
华人远方的家2(中文房东) | Richmond |
豪华别墅,4人双床独立套间, | Richmond |
华人远方的家14别墅套间 | Richmond |
华人远方的家5独立豪华套间(中文房东) | Richmond |
华人远方的家,别墅单间(中文房东) | Richmond |
华人远方的家6精品房(中文房东) | Richmond |
华人别墅套间 | Richmond |
温哥华列治文豪华独栋别墅(连住特价) | Richmond |
华人远方的家独立两房一厅(中文房东) | Richmond |
华人别墅套间 | Richmond |
火车站机场高大上4房 | Xiamen Shi |
(远方的家)机场火车站市中心豪宅4房 | Xiamen Shi |
北站小别墅 | Xiamen Shi |
All of these homes off the market, and completely inaccessible to locals who don’t speak Mandarin – even if they wanted to stay in them for just a couple of days. All of this in a community under strain from a severe housing crisis.
Terrible and outright disrespectful and disgusting
Amazing how all of these airbnb’s are not shut down already but the city has no problem going after the legal B&B’s that have been operating in Richmond for many years. The city’s first priority was to go after all the legal B&B’s that were licensed and they closed down many of them for ridiculous bylaws but these illegal ones have no problem operating – last count nearly a 1000 operating in our city.. Many of these businesses are operating from China and have no interest in Richmond other than making money the illegal way in a city that lets them.
She is breaking discrimination laws by operating this way. The national languages are English and French and services must be offered in one of those languages at minimum. I’m sure she’ll be shut down eventually. It also goes against Airbnb policy I believe.
Shut down like the money launders and the Fentynal dealers?
AirBnB is waaaaaay down the priority list.
I wonder if her insurance companies know she’s renting out her private properties?
Wonder if Richmond knows shes running a business?
Discrimination comes in several forms if an English speaking landlord refused Chinese speaking tenants their would be a lawsuit
This is unacceptable it’s time she goes back and learns English or hires an interpreter with her extra income
I should send this advertisement to my gay, white, Canadian born friend who is married and is perfectly fluent in Mandarin.
He’s been speaking Mandarin for decades as well as french, English, German, Spanish, etc.
Curious to see the look on the Landlord’s face when he shows up on the doorstep with his husband……and asks for the Honeymoon suite…….
Aiiiii -Yaaaaaaa!